Hold handle/s loosely in hand unwinding Nifty® Wrapper from the bottom of the roll.
To start, anchor the Nifty® Wrapper to the item being wrapped by holding the end with your thumb until the first overlap is complete or, by tucking the end between two items being wrapped and then overlapping.
Continue wrapping around item/s – the more layers, the more secure.
For tensioning and/or a tighter hold, grasp handle firmly by overlapping cardboard sleeve
and red end cap with your hand, and pull the film as you wrap – essentially “stretching” it.
To break off, hold the handle as above on the final wrap, stretch the Nifty Wrapper on the final wrap stopping on an edge or corner. Holding the handle firmly, twist your hand in one quick, smooth motion
while holding the roll against the wrappings.
Nifty® Wrapper
Directions for Use
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